Report Street Light Outages

Street lights out?  Here is a helpful button for you to report the outage.  Please try to get the most accurate location to help Mid American locate the issue. 

Weed Ordinance - Yard Waste Dates



Weed Ordinance
Adobe Acrobat document [128.7 KB]
Weeds Publication
Adobe Acrobat document [190.3 KB]
New Yard Waste Procedures
Yard Waste Procedures.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [89.6 KB]
2024 Yard Waste Dates
2024 Yard Waste Dates.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [81.6 KB]

Amended and Updated Street Plan Proposal

Staff has assembled a proposed extension of the 2 year Street Improvement Plan to add 3 more phases.  This is for review.  The plan will be presented at the City Council meeting on November 2, 2020 for input.

Updated Street Plan Proposal
Streets plan update 2020.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [6.8 MB]

The City of Camanche applied for a Traffic Safety Improvement Program grant for a proposed roundabout to be located at 7th Avenue and Highway 67.  The city applied for $500,000 of the estimated $896,000 cost of the project and was awarded the entire possible $500,000.  


The next step is for the City to apply for a Urban-State Transportaiton Engineering Program (USTEP) grant., which will fund 55% of a request up to $200,000.  If awarded that full amount, the City would seek additional funding assistance for the remaining estimated $196,000.


The City has created an FAQ on roundabouts, and specifically for the proposed location in Camanche.  Please find the button below to visit that page.


The awarded grant funding is only available for a roundabout at this location.  


To review the presentation from IDOT, download the pdf below.  Camanche ranked 3rd

FY 2022 TSIP Commission presentation.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [498.6 KB]

Public Works
Director: Gaylon Pewe (pronounced pay-way)

Street Department Winter Preparation

Here are the public works employees spraying an ice-preventative application of beet juice onto our fresh delivery of road salt for this upcoming winter season.

City of Camanche

Our business hours

Monday - Friday08:00 AM - 04:00 PM

818 7th Avenue
P.O. Box 77
Camanche, Iowa 52730


563-259-9025  FAX

Winter Newsletter 2024
Winter Newsletter 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.3 MB]

Quick Facts

Population: 4,570
County: Clinton
Median Household Income: $50,804
Median Home Price: $119,800
Median Age: 43.8




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