Informational Meeting and Forum

9th Street Update:
Wednesday, October 4, 2023:
Base paving will begin between 19th and 21st St. When finished late Wednesday afternoon, driving on hard surface will be possible.
Thursday, October 5, 2023:
Paving will be on 23rd. No access from 23rd to highway, access will need to be on 19th and 21st.

9th Street East bound from Highway 67 into the City is closed.  Westbound traffic on 9th Street from Camanche High School out to the highway is still available for traffic.  It is a construction zone so please proceed slowly through that area.  Your best bet would be to avoid the street completely if possible.  We would prefer not to write tickets, however, failure to obey traffic signs may result in that outcome.  Please help spread the word.

August 28, 2023 Update

**9th Street Update**
Concrete work starting today, Aug 28, 2023.
Sidewalk on the SOUTH side will be starting today.
Curb and gutter on the SOUTH side will be Wednesday.
**No driveway access on the SOUTH side most of this week.
Curb and gutter on the NORTH side will begin Thursday.
**No driveway access on the SOUTH side until at least Monday.



Monday, May 22, the plan is to mobilize equipment to the site and begin topsoil stripping operations along the south ditch on 9th St. Traffic disruption should be minimal during this time. It is anticipated to take most of the week.
When stripping is complete, either later this week or early next week, Manatts will mobilize and remove a 7' width of pavement along the south edge of 9th St in preparation for the Storm Sewer Construction. 9th St will then become alternating traffic for those that access driveways from 9th St.
9th st construction letter (002).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [72.9 KB]

City of Camanche

Our business hours

Monday - Friday08:00 AM - 04:00 PM

818 7th Avenue
P.O. Box 77
Camanche, Iowa 52730


563-259-9025  FAX

Fall Newsletter 2024
Fall Newsletter 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [844.7 KB]

Quick Facts

Population: 4,570
County: Clinton
Median Household Income: $50,804
Median Home Price: $119,800
Median Age: 43.8




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