Explaning Your Water Bill

Our new full sheet water bills begin in December of 2021.  There is more description in these bills and we will be able to fit more information in the message section.  Below is an example of what those bills will look like.

Tips for reading your bill:
The Pink highlighted sections are the day the bill was created and the service dates being billed.
The Yellow highlighted sections are your payment due date and amount.  Note the due date is at the bottom.
The Orange highlighted sections are your late payment amount (payments after due date).
The Green highlighted section is where you will find any important information or reminders from us.
The Blue highlighted section is showing which end of the bill to return to us with payment.

Reading - Indicates the previous reading on your meter from last quarter and the new reading on your meter for this quarter.  For the real number in gallons, add a zero.  We leave a zero off to save space on the bill.


Consumption - This calculates how many gallons were used in the quarter.  If your bill has increased over the previous quarterly bill, you should first check your consumption from the previous bill and compare the two.  The ideal way to balance your consumption is to call City Hall and ask for what your consumption was last year during the same quarterly billing cycle.  


Sewer Debt Fee.  This fee is to repay the loan for the sewer lift station that was put in a few years ago.  This fee is $16.40 per quarter.  The final payoff for the debt is the end of the calendar year 2030.


Meter Charge.  This money goes into a fund to purchase replacement meters.  It is kept in a seperate fund.  This is done so that the customers do not have to pay to install a meter or a malfunctioning meter.  The fund is kept in a separate account which will then be used in the future for meter upgrades.  This will allow the City to purchase new meters in the next generation of metering technology.  


Sewer.  This calculation is based off of our rate for the amount of water and waste that goes down the sewer.  The consumption used for this is the same as your water reading.  The rate is $0.485 per 100 gallons after the minimum 4,000 gallons.


Solid Waste.  This line is your Trash and Recycling charge for the quarter.  This rate is $17.32 per month or $51.96 per quarter.  This rate has had slight increases over the last few years.


Water.  Calculates your consumption at our rate of $0.29 per 100 gallons after your base rate of the minimum 4,000 gallons at $25.  Based on the bill above, there is a base rate of $25 for the first 4,000 gallons.  Mr. Doe used 2,510 gallons more, so that additional cost is added to both the water and the sewer.  The added water cost of $0.29 per 100 gallons is added after you have surpassed the 4,000 gallon mark.


Water Excise Tax.  This replaced the Sales Tax (TX).  THis was ordered by the State of Iowa.  The Excise Tax is slightly lower than the Sales Tax was.



City of Camanche

Our business hours

Monday - Friday08:00 AM - 04:00 PM

818 7th Avenue
P.O. Box 77
Camanche, Iowa 52730


563-259-9025  FAX

Winter Newsletter 2024
Winter Newsletter 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.3 MB]

Quick Facts

Population: 4,570
County: Clinton
Median Household Income: $50,804
Median Home Price: $119,800
Median Age: 43.8




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