Solid Waste & Recycling

The Spring large item collection for the residents in the City of Camanche is scheduled beginning at 7:00AM on May 6th.  All items will be collected during this time frame only, once they leave a neighborhood, they will NOT come back through a second time.  Have your items out no earlier than May 1-5.  There has to be a reasonable limit to the amount of material that can be set out for large item collection.  Since it cannot be weighed or measured, the amount should be limited to no more than a small pickup load.  The contractor will take the amount he feels is reasonable and leave the rest.  Because of limitations imposed by the State or County, there are many items that cannot be taken to the landfill, or require payment of a separate fee.  For those reasons, these items are not eligible for the large item collection: tires, appliances (washers, dryers, refrigerators, microwaves, etc.) electronics (televisions, computers, monitors, VCRs, stereos, printers, etc.) car batteries, paint or chemicals, construction debris, yard waste, pipes, swing sets, cement, bricks, cinder blocks, concrete or fence posts.  If you are unsure, please call City Hall at 259-8342 and we will find out.

Large Item Pickup Guide
Adobe Acrobat document [152.2 KB]

Garbage Pickup
Monday Route - Cedar Heights and City area south of Washington Boulevard
Tuesday Route - Lloyd’s Trailer Court and City area north of Washington Boulevard

Wednesday Route - Rural areas north and west of hwy 67. * Now picked up on Mondays*


There has been conflicting information from Republic that has now been cleared up. We apologize for the confusion in our attempt to get this information out ASAP. This only applies to WEDNESDAY route customers.
1) If you received a letter from Republic, please follow those instructions. If you did not, disregard this post as it doesn’t apply to you.
2) Republic will no longer be in Camanche on Wednesdays, Wednesday route residents will be having pickup on Mondays.
3) Camanche recycling weeks will remain the SAME, but will only be Monday and Tuesday. Please have bins out at 5:00 AM on Monday mornings.
4) Please note the new color coding if you received a new schedule from Republic:
*On the NEW schedule graphic Republic sent out, Camanche Recycling days are now DARK BLUE. However, you may continue to use the old schedule, as Camanche Recycling weeks are NOT changing as we originally thought.*
5) Recycling rules remain the same, please do not put trash, liquids, yard waste, etc. in your recycling bin.

Please check the guidelines here if you have any questions about what can or cannot be placed in the recycling bin.


Your bins should be placed with the lid hinge towards your house.  Please try to keep the cans a few feet apart so the equipment can safely perform its function.


If you want to change your container size, please print out the form below and turn it in to City Hall.  There is a one time service fee for exchanging a can.


You can have more than one solid waste or recycling can at your location for an additional fee.  Please contact City Hall for more information.


New Recycling Guidelines
Plastics 1-7 (No plastic grocery bags or styrofoam)
Please check the pdf file below for what is accepted.
copier@mchsi com_20110706_120120 (2).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [51.7 KB]
Exchange form for Recycle and Garbage
New Garbage Bin Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [604.8 KB]

City of Camanche

Our business hours

Monday - Friday08:00 AM - 04:00 PM

818 7th Avenue
P.O. Box 77
Camanche, Iowa 52730


563-259-9025  FAX

Fall Newsletter 2024
Fall Newsletter 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [844.7 KB]

Quick Facts

Population: 4,570
County: Clinton
Median Household Income: $50,804
Median Home Price: $119,800
Median Age: 43.8




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